You may have already noticed that SF letters are prevalent in this project. Much more than selling the design studio, they created a lifestyle around the SF brand and built products in fiction and the real world.
Scott is a tailor and his favorite drink is coffee. Between work he always takes time to visit the neighbors of the FRONT cafeteria.

For their meticulous talent in making millimeter-perfect suits and adjustments, FRONT people have developed a coffee blend called SCOTT, in honor of the neighboring customer.
In fiction, this cafeteria is in San Francisco, in real life it exists, and Seoul in the Seocho-gu neighborhood, and you can really visit and try the SCOTT blend and buy products with the characters created by Superfiction.

Freddy, meanwhile, is a very connected guy and turned out to be an emoticon for you to use inside Kakao Talk, the Korean WhatsApp. These extra features within Kakao Talk are paid and Superfiction monetizes the character by charging about $ 2 per user.
Freddy’s favorite drink is a stout-style craft beer from TETRAPOD Brewing Co., and of course, this brewery exists in South Korea, specifically in Busan City.
Do not be discouraged as for now other products that Freddy uses for a perfect shave are available at Belief stores in South Korea.
With the creation of this SF product by Superfiction, they have been able to open many doors today, from selling character-related products such as coffee, mugs, cell phone cases, toy-art; as well as art exhibitions and advertising campaigns for major brands such as Volvo, Vogue, LG, Collete, Wacom, LOTTE, Seoul City Hall, and the latest for Nike AIRMAXLINE 2019.
In addition to the protagonists they have created new characters like Nick and Jackson who will participate in the plot and create new real products very soon.
For now enjoy the campaigns and portfolio of this talented design studio.
On Behance. On Web. On Instagram.